Yoshimoto recognized as Pioneering Visionary at Sky Design Awards event
Yoshimoto was recognized as a "Pioneering Visionary" at the annual Sky Design Awards gala event at the Roppongi Hills Club. Among the co-recipients were some of the best-known designers and architects including Mr. Tadao Kamei, chairman of Nikken Sekkei.

Park Axis Shinjuku Hyakunincho is awarded the Good Design Award 2024
The annual award recognizes the most outstanding design work in Japan. The judges recognized and praised our design based on thoughtful research into the site's history, selection of materials, and attention to details in the facade and common area interiors. We thank and congratulate everyone in the team for this achievement.

Oase Bunkyo Otsuka completed
Oase Bunkyo Otsuka is a residential building with 55 rental units, catering to families seeking a spacious and quiet living accomodation in the heart of Tokyo. The thin balcony slabs and vertical divider fins set up an interplay of light and shadow, resulting in a uniquely elegant facade taking advantage of the building's wide structural bays.

Park Axis Shinjuku Hyakunincho completed
We are excited to announce the completion of the 309-unit residential project "Park Axis Shinjuku Hyakunincho",in which we have designed the facade and common area interiors. Real materials that ages well over time was a key concept, paying respect to the area's history as a research and industrial park originating in the Meiji era.

City of Takasaki to build a fruit-themed rest house
We have been selected to design the new rest house on a spectacular site on the left bank of Karasugawa River in Takasaki. The facility is to become a new landmark for the City, featuring a "fruit parlor", a restaurant, and other venues showcasing and promoting the region's rich fruit industry and food culture.

UR Museum of Urban and Lifestyle Design opens
UR(Urban Renaissance), a public agency developing public housing in Japan has opened its new museum in Akabane. The Museum features life-size partial replicas of some of UR's most notable projects, such as the Harumi high-rise housing. We are honored to have engaged in this project as design technical advisors.

Hong Kong/Japan design roundtable discussion
Yoshimoto participated in a roundtable discussion with the theme "Technology and Design", along with architects and designers from Hong Kong and Japan. We discussed how current technology, including AR/VR and generative AI are rapidly bringing changes in the way we work and transforming our profession.
吉本が香港と日本の建築家、デザイナー数名と共にMerci Media社主催のラウンドテーブルディスカッションに参加しました。AR/VRや生成AIなど、急速に進化するテクノロジーが私たちの仕事に与えている影響について、それぞれ意見を交わしました。当日の様子は後日YouTubeで発信される予定です。

Residence in Hanegi completed
Residence in Hanegi was handed over to the owner today. We thank him for the great opportunity to work on his house and hope he and his cute cats really enjoy living there. We also thank everyone in our office and the construction team who worked on the project. Great work!

Bulgaria's BTV airs special program on Turkey/Syria earthquake.
Bulgaria's BTV aired a special program in response to the Turkey/Syria earthquake, in which Yoshimoto presented his views on how construction practices in the region may have increased the risks of building collapses, citing Japanese seismic codes and design techniques.

Final day of teaching at Kokushikan University
Yoshimoto taught his final class at Kokushikan's architecture design studio today. Having taught at the school for seven years since 2016, special thanks go to Professors Yasuhiro Minami, Tetsuya Ooi, and Professor Emeritus George Kunihiro. Thank you to all teachers and students for your support over the years.

Award Ceremony held for Sky Design Awards 2022
As one of the judge members, Yoshimoto attended the annual Sky Design Awards ceremony at Roppongi AXIS. Awards were presented to the most outstanding projects in the categories of architecture, interior design, and product deisgn. Congratulations to all entrants and winners for excellent design work!
Sky Design Awards 2022の授賞式が今年も六本木AXISで開催され、審査員を務める吉本がプレゼンターとして建築、インテリアデザイン、プロダクトデザインの各カテゴリーの賞を授与しました。素晴らしい作品を応募してくださった皆様、受賞者の皆様に祝意と感謝を申し上げます。

The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Kyoto is awarded the APIDA 2022
APIDA (Asia Pacific Interior Design Award) is a Hong Kong award program honoring the best interior design projects in Asia Pacific. We are proud to have the Royal Park Hotel Iconic Kyoto recognized in this prestigious award. Many thanks and congratulations to the owners and members of the design team.
「ザ ロイヤルパークホテル アイコニック京都」が香港のインテリアデザイン賞であるAPIDA(Asia Pacific Interior Design Award)でExcellence賞を受賞しました。プロジェクト関係者の皆様、おめでとうございます。

The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Kyoto is awarded the Kyoto Design Award 2022
The annual design award recognizes outstanding work in various disciplines which exemplify Kyoto's spirit of innovation. The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Kyoto was awarded in the special category of Kyoto Chamber of Commerce Director's Award. We thank and congratulate everyone involved in creating this hotel.
「ザ ロイヤルパークホテル アイコニック京都」が京都デザイン賞の中の京都商工会議所会頭賞を受賞しました。京都デザイン賞は「斬新な京都のイメージの創出」をグラフィック、ファッションを含む様々なカテゴリーで評価する賞です。プロジェクト関係者の皆様、おめでとうございます。

Park Court Shirokane Chojamaru is awarded the Good Design Award 2022
The annual award recognizes the most outstanding design of the year. We are proud to have designed this residence nestled deep in the Chojamaru woods. The judges praised the design concept and art curated for the public areas. We thank and congratulate everyone in the team for this achievement.

AIA Japan presentation at JIA Shibuya
Yoshimoto was invited to JIA Shibuya to present an overview of the organization and activities at AIA Japan. Ideas and experiences were shared on how to maitain, and strengthen ties between members during the pandemic, while most activities switch to virtual format.
日本建築家協会(JIA)渋谷地域会にお招き頂き、吉本が理事を務めるAIA Japanについてご紹介プレゼンテーションを行いました。コロナ禍でアクティビティがほぼ全てオンラインに切り替わる中で、どのように会員同士の繋がりを維持し、満足度を上げていくか、地元の建築家の皆さんとの貴重な意見交換の場となりました。

Tokyo American Club Nihonbashi awarded the iF Design Award 2022
Widely considered as one of the most prestigious international design awards, Germany's iF Design Award has been awarded to Tokyo American Club Nihonbashi. We are honored to have received this recognition, and wish to thank our clients and team members for their support.

The Royal Park Hotel ICONIC Kyoto opens.
We celebrate the opening of The Royal Park Hotels ICONIC Kyoto, which we co-designed with partners Takenaka Corporation and UDS. The hotel is designed around the Zen concept with a minimalist aesthetic while a touch of traditional arts and crafts add to a whole new experience of modern day Kyoto.

WELLCO at Osaka Umeda Twin Towers South opens.
We celebrate the opening of Hankyu Hanshin Properties' "Osaka Umeda Twin Towers South". We are privileged to have designed WELLCO on the 12th floor, which comprises of lounges, a bar, a cafeteria, a fitness room, and many more facilities for exclusive use of tenants in a biophilic designed space.

Radio Show "FUTURES Sense of Wonder"
Yoshimoto appeared in Japan FM Network's "FUTURES Sense of Wonder". The weekly radio show targets young audiences aspiring to study abroad, and invites persons with overseas education to share stories about their experience and professional career after returning to Japan.
吉本がラジオ番組「FUTURES Sense of Wonder]に出演しました。毎週水曜日にTOKYO FM他JFN系列局で放送されるこの番組は、海外留学を志す学生向けに留学経験のあるゲストが留学中に聴いた音楽をBGMにして留学経験やその後のキャリアについて語ります。

Sky Design Awards Ceremony 2021
Yoshimoto attended the Sky Design Awards Ceremony 2021 at the Roppongi AXIS Hall. The event was the first in 2 years to be held in-person. Yoshimoto presented the newly established "New Black" awards to this year's winners.
吉本がSky Design Awards の受賞セレモニーに審査員として参加し、新設されたNew Blackアワードの授与を行いました。コロナ禍で完全オンラインだった昨年を経て、本年は2年ぶりにリアルな授与セレモニーが実現しました。国内在住の受賞者、審査員が参加する対面+オンラインのハイブリッド形式で行われました。

Artist Shingo Francis visits TAC Nihonbashi
Artist Shingo Francis, whose works are in exhibit at the VIP lounge of the Tokyo American Club Nihonbashi, visits the venue for the first time for a presentation titled "A Life in Art".
東京アメリカンクラブ日本橋のVIPラウンジのアートを製作したアーチストのフランシス・シンゴ氏が、初めて現地を訪れて「A Life in Art」と題するプレゼンテーションを行いました。

Sky Design Awards Design Talk 2021
Yoshimoto appeared as guest speaker at the Sky Design Awards Design Talk 2021 along with Hong Kong architect Frankie Lui to discuss "harmony and dissonance" between architecture and interior design.
吉本が香港の建築家フランキー・ルイ氏とのオンラインイベント「Sky Design Awards Design Talk」に出演しました。日本と香港の文化的な背景を踏まえながら、建築とインテリアデザインの関係性について対談しました。

In Japan TV "A Look Inside Tokyo American Club Nihonbashi"
Yoshimoto appears in an issue of In Japan TV featuring Tokyo American Club Nihonbashi along with TAC Task Force member Terry White and explains the design and art collection of the new Club.
吉本が「In Japan TV」で番組に出演しました。東京アメリカンクラブ日本橋のタスクフォースメンバーTerry White氏との共演で、同クラブのデザインとアートについて解説しています。

ICS College of Arts Special Lecture
Yoshimoto spoke to students at the ICS College of Arts as part of the design school's annual lecture series, along with co-presenter Katsushige Kinoshita of 10 Architect.
吉本が同年代の建築家木下勝茂さん(10 Architect)と共にICSカレッジオブアーツの公開特別講義「新しい時代を切り開いていくために必要なこと」に登壇しました。

Tokyo American Club Nihonbashi Opens
The Tokyo American Club opened its first satellite clubhouse in its 93-year history, in Nihonbashi.

Shenzhen Design Week Talk Event
Yoshimoto was invited to participate in a panel discussion at the annual Shenzhen Design Week to discuss "How materials technology will change our lives." Yoshimoto was joined by five other architects from China, each presenting views on where technology leads us and whether it will help enrich our lives.

Shenzhen Design Week(SDW) Armor Exhibition
Yoshimoto was invited to design an armor for a special exhibition at SDW. Yoshimoto's design, titled "the Fading Armor" was made with translucent materials and asks what we need to defend ourselves from in the information age. Yoshimoto represented Japan at the exhibition together with designer Naoki Iijima.
深圳デザインウィークの展示のひとつ、「現代に必要な鎧(Armor)展」に飯島直樹氏と共に提案を出展しました。「Fading Armor(フェードアウトする鎧)」と題して、物理的な強度が必要なくなった分、電磁波、放射線、ウィルス等の目に見えない敵に対抗する現代の鎧の姿を提案しています。

Sky Design Awards 2021 Judge Panel
For the second year, Yoshimoto was invited as member of the 2021 Sky Design Awards judging panel. A large increase in members from last year, 16 international judges will judge for awards in architecture, interior design, and graphic design categories.
昨年に続き、吉本がSky Design Awardsの審査員に選任されました。審査委員会は今年は大幅に拡大され、世界各国から16人の審査員で構成され、建築、インテリア、グラフィックデザイン部門で応募案を審査します。

TAC Nihonbashi Nears Completion
Set to open at the end of March, work on TAC Nihonbashi is in full progress by contractors Tanseisha. See jobsite photos here.
Sky Design Awards Online Talk
Yoshimoto spoke at the annual event titled "Designing for Human Connection in the Age of A.I", offering his views about the future of hospitality design. J Lee Rofkind from HOK participated from Hong Kong, with Scott Brooks as moderator. Over 300 live viewers attended from around the world. See Video.
吉本がSky Design Awardsのオンラインイベントに登壇し、「AIの時代におけるホスピタリティ」をテーマにホテルデザインの今後について講演しました。討論相手はHOK香港のJ Lee Rofkind氏、モデレーターは写真家のScott Brooks氏です。当日は300人を超える方々にご参加いただきました。

AIA Japan Presents Certificate of Appreciation
At the annual AIA Japan Year-end Event, Yoshimoto received a Certificate of Appreciation for his service to the organization as President in 2018 and Immediate Past President role in 2019. The event was held at the historic hotel New Grand in Yokohama.
横浜のホテルニューグランドで行われた恒例のAIA Japan年末イベントにて、吉本が2018年に理事長、2019年は「直前理事長」として行った貢献に対して感謝状を贈られました。

AIA International Region Design Award Ceremony held in Shanghai
Yoshimoto was awarded with a Commendation for Interior Architecture in the AIA International Region Design Awards in 2019. The awarded work is ONSEN RYOKAN YUEN SHINJUKU, a newly opened Onsen Ryokan in the heart of downtown Tokyo.
上海で行われたAIA Internationalのデザインアワード授賞式で、新宿で今年開業した「温泉旅館由縁新宿」の設計により吉本がインテリア部門で受賞しました。

AIA Japan Welcomes Steven Holl in Tokyo Exhibition
Steven Holl was in Japan for his exhibition and related events held at the Archi-Depot. AIAJ leaders Tomoaki Tanaka, Akira Nakamura, Daishi Yoshimoto, and Michel Van Ackere welcomed Holl at the inaugural event. Holl's exhibition in Japan was first in 13 years.
建築家スティーブン・ホール氏の日本における13年ぶりの個展が天王洲の「建築倉庫」でオープンし、AIA Japan理事メンバーがウェルカムレセプションに参加しました。

Sky Design Award Master Talk
Following the partnership between Sky Design Awards and AIA Japan, Yoshimoto presented his view on current hospitality design trends at the Sky Design Award Master Talk event. Other participants were William To, Director of PMQ Hong Kong, and Manuel Rabate, Director of the Louvre Museum Abu Dhabi.
Sky Design Awards Master Talkイベントで「ホスピタリティデザインの潮流」をテーマに吉本がプレゼンテーションを行いました。他のパネリストは香港PMQ館長William To氏、ルーブル美術館アブダビ館長Manuel Rebate氏で、それぞれの立場から観光産業における宿泊体験の重要性について議論しました。

Final Jury at Kokushikan University Spring Semester 2018
Yoshimoto teaches architectrure design at Kokushikan University. From design conceptualization to drafting techniques, he prepares his students become competitive professionals upon graduation. His studio is a semester-long experimentation seeking to solve spatial and social issues through architecture design.

AIA Japan Annual Report at Year-end Event
AIA Japan wrapped up the year with its annual event in collaboration with Pecha Kucha at the famed Roppongi Super Deluxe underground bar. Daishi Yoshimoto, 2018 AIAJ President presented a "Year in Review" slide presentation outlining activities for the year.
吉本が理事長をつとめた本年のAIA Japanの活動が終わり、六本木のSuper Deluxeで行われた恒例の年末イベントで1年間の活動を振り返るプレゼンテーションをしました。当イベントはPecha Kuchaとのコラボレーションにより、マーク・ダイサム氏もMCとして参加して盛大に行われました。

AIA Japan Student Program
As one of the founding members of AIA Japan, Yoshimoto spends time to promote Japanese students gain architectural experience abroad. In December 8, 2017, an event was held for returning students to present their experience at US firms where they interned with sponsorship by AIA Japan and Autodesk.

American Hardwood Export Couincil event at JIA
Yoshimoto was invited by the American Hardwood Export Council to be in the panel to discuss best practices of hardwood use in residential projects. The event was highlighted by keynote speaker Jim Cutler, who was Yoshimoto's studio instructor at UC Berkeley in 1999.
アメリカ広葉樹輸出協会が主催するトークイベントがJIA会館で開催されました。吉本がパネリストとして招待され、「日本の住宅建築における木質系建材の使われ方」をテーマに議論を行いました。吉本のUCバークレー時代の恩師であるJim Cutler氏がゲストとして登壇し、プレゼンテーションを行いました。